Don your lampshades, it's almost time for the annual Christmas office party! To help you prepare here are all the past modcast holiday office parties and Christmas invitationals to tide you over until I dump 2024's Christmas extravaganza down your digital chimney. Please, please me by listening to them all.
Modcast #552: Suave Soul Christmas Party (2023)
It's Christmas here at Suave HQ which means it is time for another Suave office Christmas party. Joining me once again is DJ Ken. We're funkin' things up with Christmas soul tunes from across the years. Listen in, you'll be glad you did.
Listen now.
Modcast #527: Ready! Steady! Go Ho-Ho-Ho!(2022)
Christmas time is here again! Settle in for a long winters modcast Christmas office party as DJ Ken joins me in sharing a big ol' sleigh full of Christmas tunes.
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Modcast #502: Suave Office Christmas Party (2021)
Merry Christmas and welcome to Suave headquarters 2021 office Christmas party. As always I'm joined by my Christmas partner in crime DJ Ken of The Shingles to bring you a cool yule.
Listen now.
Modcast #469: Surviving Christmas (2020)Christmas in 2020 is like none other before it. This year it's all about remembering the before, getting through the the during, and hoping for the after. Feel good music is the perfect present for your ears. DJ Ken joins me in mixing before, during and after songs for your seasonal survival. Here's to next year!
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Modcast #440: Christmas Potluck Party (2019)
Are your merry bells ringing? They will be after you hear me and DJ Ken jingle our jangles at this year's modcast Christmas potluck party. We had a little of this and a lot of that, and threw together a hodge podge of Christmas music past and present.
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Modcast #421: Blowin' Up Christmas (2018)
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas and you know what that means. Time for another modcast office Christmas party. At past parties DJ Ken and I have thrown up on Christmas, been blown away by Christmas, blown off Christmas, but this year we're blowing up Christmas.
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Modcast #399: Mr. Suave's Mod Tiki Christmast Extravaganza 2017
Another year, another Christmas modcast. The good tidings here are that at least this year we have a Christmas modcast! That's right I'm back with DJ Ken to bring you the yule you'll wish you could forget. It's tikirific!
Listen now!
Modcast #398: Have Yourself A Mary Little Christmas
And now for something completely different. Well, okay, not completely different. The difference-maker this week is Mary Queen of Cosmos who is bringing her sleigh full of Christmas spirits to the modcast.
Listen now!
Modcast #347: Christmas Extravaganza 2015
A damn good holiday show, if I do say so myself.
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Modcast #317: Mr. Suave's Christmas Office Party (2014)
DJ Ken from T
he Shingles joins me in queueing up a sleighfull of Christmas tracks.
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Modcast #288: Mr. Suave's 2013 Christmas Extravaganza
Another year, another Christmas office party. For this year's rat pack Christmas celebration, I'm joined again by my sometimes sober co-host DJ Ken from The Shingles. This year's extravaganza is strictly BYOB. You bring the spirits and we'll bring the cheer. Bottoms up!
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Modcast #255: Mr. Suave's 2012 Christmas Extravaganza
Crazy, eclectic mix of tunes for the season including The Eels, She & Him, HB Radke, Eux Autres, Vince Guiraldi, Jigsaw Seen and lots more.
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Mr. Suave's 3rd Annual Christmas Modcast Extravaganza (2011)
Well, it is Christmas time even if it doesn't really seem like it around Suave HQ. Usually I'm fully into the Christmas spirit by this time of the season, but this year just hasn't done it for me. As will be evidenced by the somewhat ho-ho-humbug attitude of this year's annual Christmas modcast extravaganza. Back to share his despair is Ken from The Shingles. Sadly the show was lost in the great hard drive crash in the winter of 2012.
In breaking news the missing show has been found! Listen now.
Modcast #219: Power Chords, Harmonies and Mistleto
I was lucky enough to have a chance to interview my old friend Dean Hoth, who is the lead singer of power pop trio The Eddies. We talked not just about what the band is up to, but more importantly to discuss a new Christmas compilation that is the perfect gift for any and all power pop loving mods out there. Powerchords, Harmonies and Mistletoe. Not a full Christmas show, but in light of the loss of 2011's show, this will have to do.
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Mr. Suave's 2nd Annual Swingin' Christmas Extravaganza
Merry Christmas kids. As always, I am joined by Ken from The Shingles for this year's big Christmas show, and it is big. We've got some nice new seasonal sounds from Pink Martini as well as classics from Sinatra and some cool stuff from Bob Francis, Jaymz Bee and more. Make sure your turkey is stuffed, your tree is trimmed, and your glass is full of Christmas cheer when you settle down to listen to this one.
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Modcast #184: Mr. Suave's Mod Rockin' Christmas (2010)
A Christmas bonus! These are not your grandfather's Christmas songs, from Jimmy Severe and His Blue Christmas Boys to The Eels and The Cuban Mistletoe Crisis this hodgepodge of slightly different but cool yule sounds.
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Modcast #150: Mr. Suave's 2009 Mod Christmas Extravaganza (AKA First Annual Swingin' Christmas Extravagana, Modcast Christmas Office Party)
No matter what the neighbors think, this is one cool and smooth modcast. I've enlisted Ken from The Shingles to join me in delivering a Christmas dozen -- that's 14 great songs. This is one holiday modcast that will go down in the history books with some great stuff from Miles Davis to The Very Foundation, from Farrah to Girl Trouble. It's all good, and it's all merry, and you're going to love it.
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Mr. Suave's 2008 Christmas Modcast
It's time for the annual Christmas Modcast. This year's show is a cozy little combination of songs that go well with hot chocolate and peppermint schnapse. I've got a few seasonal surprises for you this year from The Shambles, The Wondermints, The Yobs, Girl Trouble and more. I'm sure you've all got a bunch of online shopping to do and I've got loads of Christmas cocktails to shake up, so on with the show.
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The Modcast Invitationsls
Modcast #254: Mods' Christmas Faves (Original modcast invitational)
The first ever modcast invitational with The Bang, The Ice Cream Man, The School, Warren Peace and more.
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Modcast #287: Mr. Suave's 2nd Annual Christmas Modcast Invitational
Light the lights, trim the tree, shake up some holiday concoctions and here from mod bands, bloggers, DJs from around the world as they share their fave tracks.
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Modcast #316: Mr. Suave's 3rd Annual Christmas Modcast Invitational
Wherein I'm once again joined by the likes of Penny Lane, RAF, Paradise, Warren Peace, The Ice Cream Man and many more sharing their favorite seasonal sounds.
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Modcast #346: 4th Annual Christmas Modcast Invitational
This is the 4th Annual Christmas Modcast Invitational. As I do each year I've sent out a decree to mod bands, DJs, bloggers, and podcasters that they present themselves for holiday inspection. Got a group of folks this year with some really great songs, a few classics, a couple of real gems. Inspector 12 says they passed with flying colors.
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Modcast #501: 2021 Christmas Invitational
The Modcast Invitational returns! This holiday modcast is a show for music lovers, so if you're not one you're listening to the wrong podcast. If you are one then you're in the right place as I've enlisted the help of a whole bunch of fun folks to share their fave holiday music with us all.
Listen now.
Modcast #526: 2022 Modcast Christmas Invitational Who wants to sock Springsteen in the face? Yule find out. Who doubled down with two, that's right count 'em two favorite Christmas tracks? Yule find out. Who penned up some original seasonal sounds? Yule find out. And I'm throwing in a few picks of my own along the way. Mull some wine, nog some eggs, dawn you ugliest sweater and get ready to get merry.
Listen Now.