January 4, 2009

Modcast #113: To Begin All Over Again

Welcome to Mr. Suave's Mod Mod World. This is the 113th modcast, and the first of 2009. Here's hoping that this year will be better than last year. Not that last year was all that bad but it did end on a rotten, stinking, rancid note for your humble host who had a computer catastrohe and lost tons of archived digital music. Even my backups were blasted away. Thus far, my new year has been spent trying to put the pieces back together enough to get a new modcast mixed up.

And, here it is complete with a brand new track from Spearmint front man
Shirley Lee's forthcoming album*, some soulful tracks from Lefties Soul Connection, some power pop from Lacrosse, some sixties psychadelia from Five by Five, and a few other goodies. So, crank up your mod listening device and enjoy the tunes.

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Bonus Videos

The Pigeon Detectives -- Take Her Back

Fuzzbox -- Love is the Slug