Maybe the best pure mod band to come out of Ireland,
The Blades popped up in the late 70s during the mod revival and managed to stay together and produce a string of singles in the early 80s and a couple of great LPs. Chart success eluded them for the most part, which is surprising because their songs were sharp, well written, had great vocal harmony and a nice radio accessibility that should have hit the public perfectly. It was guitar focused power pop with soulful horns, and a certain sixties like pop sensibility that made the band one of the most popular Irish bands of the era. "Downmarket" wasn't their biggest hit, but it was the only Blades single to make the chart s1983 rising to #28 in 1983. Thier best song was the title track to their 1985 LP "The Last Man In Europe". Things fell apart after that and the band slowly dissolved.
The Blades -- The Last Man In Europe