Today marks the 30th birthday of the Toy Dolls, the 30th anniversary of their very first gig. Since 1979 the group has been churning out anthemic punk rock songs. Or maybe you could just say song. They do all tend to be quite similar. But the similarity is part of what makes the band fun, if predictable.
They hit it big early on with the surprising chart success of "Nellie The Elephant" in 1984, a children's song that the band turned into a top 20 hit in the UK and their own sort of theme song. Other songs are typically rhyming bits of speedy punk rock guitars and drums. "She Goes To Finos", "My Girlfriend's Dad's A Vicar", "My Wife's A Psychopath", "I've Got Asthma", and the song here "We're Mad", are all bits of lyrical genius and even a few bits of musical brilliance.
Fronted by Michael "Olga" Algar, the band has been through a lot of lineups with Olga remaining the only consistent and original member. Still, they soldier on, currently on a world wide tour, jokingly called "Our Last Tour?"
Toy Dolls -- James Bond Lives Down Our Street