Back in 2004 Seth Swirsky, the pop genius behind
The Red Button, sang about his -- and probably every mans -- need for instant gratification. Hell, he named an entire album
Instant Pleasure -- and it's a fantastic album of sixties infused, pscyhadelia tinged, dreamy, swirling, and about a dozen other complimentary adjectives, power pop.

Anyhow, I stumbled across this article while studying up for quiz night.
Roxxy the Sex Robot would seem to fit the bill for instant pleasure (there's a male version as well, appropriately name
Rocky). Oh, and the bill is about $7,000. I wonder if you can write that off your taxes?
Seth Swirsky -- Instant Pleasure
And just to prove all that stuff about Swirsky's fantastic album is true, here is another cool cut.
Seth Swirsky -- Only Me Fair May