Ripchord was a Brtipop band through and through, with all the requisite retro influences from The Kinks to the The Undertonesto Blur to The Kaiser Chiefs. Overall the band's sound is sharp with ringing guitars, catchy melodies, and clever lyrics. Even some ba-ba-ba-bas. The songs bounce ... no they jump up and down, and at times seem to crash into each other not unlike a friendly mosh pit. Through it all were some pretty damn jaunty melodies speeded up and taken to the next level of intensity, but without losing their innocence. That's what kept the Ripchord's power pop from bursting into out and out punk rock. Along with some cool keyboards, hummable lyrics and a lack of safety pins and barbed wire.
Everyone should find something to like with Ricpchord. If nothing else you gotta like a band that took an insult like "the Beatles on speed" and embraces it through and through. For the record, my new favorite song is the Ripchord's "Lock Up Your Daughters". So what if I'm a little johnny-come-lately.
Ripchord interview
Ripchord -- Lock Up Your Daughters