This year my gift to you dear listeners is less of my creaky voice and more cool music from the likes of Fitz and the Tantrums, The Dukes of Hamburg, HB Radke, the Eels, Joyride and more. As usual you can get a full track list at Mistersuave.com.
And if you missed last week's show featuring a special acoustic track from The Bang, and songs specially chosen by the proprietors of the Mod Soul Review podcast, We Are The Mods, the Ice Cream Man Power Pop and More blog, and lots of other goodies -- well you can check it out right here.
And I promise that I'll try harder next year and make the 2013 mod Christmas extravaganza something to really get excited about. Be sure and check back next week for my best of 2012. Until then, happy holidays and thanks for listening.
Listen Now
Joyride - The Little Drummer Boy
Redd Kross -- Super Sunny Christmas 1991
The Eels -- Everythings Gonna Be Cool This Christmas
The White Stripes -- Candy Cane Children
Canadian Dollars - Outsourcin' Christmas (The Unemployed Little Elf Song)
Harvey Danger - Sometimes You Have To Work On Christmas (Sometimes)
She & Him -- Little Saint Nick
Fitz & The Tantrums - Santa Stole My Lady
Dukes of Hamburg -- Greensleeves
Los Straitjackets with Kaiser George - Holiday Twist
Eux Autres-- Merry Xmas Everybody
HB Radke - Hipster Christmas
Sweet Daddy Lowe & The Blue Note Ad Hoc Orchestra - Be-Bop Santa Claus
Vince Guaraldi Trio - Christmas Is Coming (Track Meet)
Jigsaw Seen -- God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
Wednesday Week -- Christmas Here
Rather Good Stuff -- Communist Christmas
The Primitives -- You Trashed My Christmas
The Beatles 1964 Christmas Message
The Long Blondes -- Christmas is Cancelled
Richard Cheese -- Christmas in Las Vegas